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Todd Dunnigan

Todd Dunnigan Pianist-at-large Todd Dunnigan is a veteran performer, producer and recording engineer with experience in nearly every segment of the music business.

Dunnigan started playing professionally when he was 15 years old in his hometown of Boise Idaho, which gave him the opportunity to hang around with other pros at an early age.

He began playing in top 40 bands but bacme interested in taking his music to a higher level after attending jam nights hosted by legendary jazz pianist, and fellow Boisean Gene Harris. Harris allowed Dunnigan to sit on the bench next to him while he played giving his pupil an insiders view of his techniques.

IN 1988 Dunnigan produced his first album "Small Pond", a compilation of Boise recording artists. Sales of the record allowed him to purchase his own studio - a modest 16-track setup that soon blossomed into the Audio Lad Idaho's leading professional recording studio.

In 2000 Dunnigan sold the studio, which is still currently in operation. Throughout the 80's and 90's Dunnigan played and toured with a variety of acts including Smokey Robinson, Built to Spill, The Moody Blues, Natalie Cole, Gary 'US' Bonds, and the national touring company of 'Beauty and the Beast'.

Over the years he has produced hundreds of albums for every type of artist from punk to polka. Currently Dunnigan resides in Seattle and plays Tuesday - Saturday at Chopstix. He is also the musical director of Renegade Opera, a Seattle company that produces rock operas.